Going Raw!

9 Jan

Since it is the new year, in conjunction with the Whole Living 28-Day Action Plan, I have decided to incorporate a bit of a raw detox thanks to the inspiration I found in the quick and easy read, The Raw Food Detox Diet by Natalia rose

So far it is going well! I dug out my mom’s juicer and have been really enjoying experimenting with various veggie/fruit juice combinations! Equally enjoyable are the MASSSIVE raw salads that I’ve been creating!

Only veggies here folks!

Eating raw is a big change, and right now I am sticking to with a mostly raw till dinner approach… check out detoxtheworld.com for more on the benefits of going raw. I will be posting more as I get more into the lifestyle and decide what is for me and what isn’t! Also, the Juice Plus+ whole food supplements that I decided to try have come, and I began taking them two days ago! I am hoping that between all the juicing and raw veggies AND the supplements, that I will be feeling more vital and alive in no time at all 🙂

Happy New Year!!

1 Jan

Welcome to the first hour of 2011!!! I had an amazing 2010, and I hope for an even better 2011!! I have lots of ideas for the new year, for REALLY getting healthy and sharing with you all 🙂 I will be starting the Whole Living Action Plan 28-Day Challenge on January 3 and so can you! Check out their website for more details!!


My Famous Guacamole!!

31 Dec

Here it is again, for those of you who missed it last time… a full, step-by-step cooking demonstration of my famous guacamole! Enjoy!


I’ve committed to the 2011 PostAWeek challenge

30 Dec

Since I feel like I am not sharing enough of my nutrition and culinary adventures, I have decided to take the 2011 WordPress challenge and post at least once a week. Now this may not seem like a very big commitment to some, but I feel that it is always better to commit to something that you can actually accomplish, rather than to something that would require you jump through blazing hoops to make happen..so like I said before.. START SMALL 🙂

Winter hibernation and supplements…

30 Dec

Happy (Belated) Holidays!

As the New Year approaches, I have become increasingly aware of just how early I began my winter hibernation this year… I think the combination of a very difficult semester and a new boyfriend made it very easy for me to just say, “welp it’s cold outside, the farmers market is closed, I guess I can’t do anything but snuggle up with a good TV show”… and this all happened in October! Just kidding, well sort of. Anyways, I have not stuck to my promise of writing about my nutrition goals and changes as I said I would do in when I first began this journey. And truthfully, I am a little upset with myself for not writing and for even more importantly not sticking to the goals that I had in mind for this past semester. I cried to my mom this evening about how disappointed I was in myself for letting my health goals go so astray. And you know what she told me to do? Stop crying and just pick up where I left off. And make attainable goals, instead of trying to change my life all at once. So that is what I am doing.

Since it is winter, and here in central PA the bounty is no longer plentiful, I have decided to give the JuicePlus+ supplements a try. I have been looking into these whole food supplements for a while now, and have decided that it is worth it to give them a try. They are basically concentrated fruits and veggies in a little capsule, that will hopefully boost my health (especially these damn winter blues) in this time of limited fresh bounty…

I will keep you updated on how they are working…hopefully they will arrive next week 🙂 Just in time for the start of the 28-day Whole Living action plan that I have chosen to participate in! Sign-up now on their website, for the challenge which begins on January 3rd! I am REALLY looking forward to a structured plan to get back on the healthy track 🙂

what foods SHOULD you buy organic?

26 Oct

I read an article a few months ago in TIME magazine about organic vs. conventional foods and which organic foods are worth buying. This is something that crosses my mind every time I go to the grocery store, and it is probably something that you should be thinking about as well. Now there are the people who say that organic is ALWAYS better, and worth the extra bucks…but I disagree (and so do many others). But the important thing to realize is that there are some foods that you really should buy organic, if you can afford it of course! Luckily, the list of organic foods that are better for you and better tasting is not very big.

Let’s talk eggs, dairy and meat products first.

EGGS. With the recent MASSIVE nationwide egg recall, people suddenly became more aware of the consequences of factory raised chickens. You really can’t expect for animals living in extremely cramped conditions to not get sick and spread the sickness along to their neighbors. By purchasing free range, organic eggs, the risks associated with the cramped living conditions of factory raised animals is greatly reduced. But it is important to note here, the difference between organic and FREE RANGE eggs. When you buy organic “free range” eggs at the grocery store, often times this just means that the hens have access to the outdoors. They are still living in cramped conditions, but definitely a little more humane than their “conventional” sisters. On the other hand, if you go to your local farmers market and buy free range eggs (even if they don’t say they are organic) you can pretty much guarantee that these hens are actually running around in the grass, eating bugs all day. My mother has chickens who are not fed organic feed, but they do roam freely in the grass and spend their days pecking at the wonders of natures bounty. If you were to crack open and compare my mom’s free range but NOT organic chicken eggs to free range organic eggs you bought from the store, you would notice that my mom’s chickens lay eggs with much darker, deeper orange yolks (than the free range organic eggs from the grocery store). But that said, if you did the same comparison between organic and conventional grocery store eggs you would see the same thing, darker yolks in the organic version. So to make a long story short, buy free range eggs from the farmer’s market if you can and if you can’t then go for their grocery store counterparts. They just taste better.

MILK. You don’t want to be consuming the hormones and chemicals that conventionally raised cows are given to keep them from getting sick (again due to the literally “crappy” conditions that they live in). Buy organic. It is a little more expensive, but worth it. Think about it, neither women or men should be consuming extra hormones with their granola!

BEEF/MEAT. ” Grass-fed cattle have a higher ratio of omega-3 acids, which may reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease. There may also be a lower risk of E. coli transmission thanks to reduced crowding.” (Time magazine)Your best bet will be going to the local farmers market or a butcher shop that sells local meat. Otherwise opt for grass-fed organic from the grocery store. In my experience, there is usually organic meat on sale a few days before the store must take it off their shelves. If you happen to be at the store on a day when there is a bunch of meat on sale, buy it and put it in the freezer when you get home…bingity bang! You just saved some money and have a freezer full of organic meat 🙂

Now fruits and veggies…

As a rule of thumb, the fruits and veggies that have a tough skin, especially ones that you peel off before consumption, are fine to buy conventional. The big concern in buying conventional is the use of harmful pesticides, but with a fruit/veggie that has a tough skin, like a banana or avocado, you don’t have to worry too much about the pesticides soaking into the fruit. Check out this list of top offenders from Consumer Reports.

Cranberries Green beans
Nectarines Sweet bell peppers
Peaches Celery
Strawberries Cucumbers
Pears Potatoes
Apples Tomatoes
Cherries Peas
Cantaloupe Lettuce

So keep this in mind next time you go grocery shopping. And if this is something that interests you, I suggest you check out any of Michael Pollan’s book’s… Food Rules: An Eater’s Manual is short and sweet and sums up Pollan’s ideas on eating healthy and sustainably. For something a little more substantial (but so fun to read) check out In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto or for something really in-depth The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals.

Making small changes…packing a lunch!

19 Sep

Late summer blooms remind us to enjoy the remaining days of warm weather

I can’t believe it has been almost a month since my first post… I forgot how demanding college can be!  And how hard it is to stay on track with eating well…it truly does require planning and some effort. I am finding that rather than trying to change everything at once and instantaneously revert back to  my year in California when I was eating well and exercising fairly regularly, that it is much more realistic to make small changes. Once you have committed yourself to one small change, and you notice results from that change, then try something else! I had this idea that on September 1st, I was going to overhaul my “old” life and start a “new” one…it has not happened. I quickly realized that with all of the demands of my senior year, writing my research thesis and what seems like truly endless reading, that I could not just suddenly change my ways, bingity bang and I’m eating quinoa and kale everyday!

So I am starting small. I’ve been packing my lunch/snacks to bring on campus. When you bring food from home to class/work, you avoid eating something that may not be all that good for you and more importantly you actually eat during the midday when you body really needs the nourishment! We are all familiar with the early afternoon growling stomach/headache/tiredness that comes when we have not eaten anything since breakfast (and the morning fatigue when we don’t eat breakfast)! There is no way you will be able to optimally perform whatever duties you may have, school or work, without adequate nourishment, SO PACK A LUNCH! So some things you may want to consider when packing a lunch..

1. Buy a lunchbox, because no one likes a warm turkey sandwich…

  • I purchased a lunchbox at TJ MAXX and I love it. Now I know what you must be thinking, a lunch box really.. I havent had a lunchbox since the fourth grade, but I am telling you, its worth it!

2. Plan out what you want to have for lunch during the week before you go to the grocery store…if you don’t have lunch materials in your fridge, then you most likely won’t be packing lunch which means you will be either not eating or eating a 700 calorie sandwich from Panera…

  • I recommend buying some quality deli meat, such as turkey. Ask at the counter if they have any meats that are not super processed and cured with preservatives. Many of the deli’s are offering organic and natural meats which do not have/have fewer preservatives.

When cooking dinner, make a little extra to pack for lunch the next day.

  • I was making herb chicken the other night for dinner and decided to cook a few extra breasts to make sandwichs for lunch…and let me just say the sandwich was a delicious alternative to my usual deli turkey variety!

Some ideas for good lunches:

  • Turkey/Avocado/Swiss sandwich and a seasonal fruit or some veggie sticks.
  • Mixed greens, 3 oz salmon/other fish (3 oz is about the size of  a deck of cards), any other veggies you want!
  • Last nights LO’s! A good example would be 3 oz of chicken/other lean meat and veggies
  • Check out http://www.wholeliving.com/photogallery/sweet-snacks-under-200 for snack ideas!

My next step on the road to vitality is a 3 day detox.. check back later to learn about detoxing! Also, my first cooking demo on how to make my famous guacamole should be up soon!

Until next time,


My New Life, Round Dos!

1 Sep

So here I am at the start of my “new life” and I find myself wanting to share my journey with you all.. and you may wonder what I mean when I say my new life, well read on!

I went through a mini life crisis during my sophomore year of college. At the time I was taking a basic Biology/Science course, which the instructor lovingly nicknamed “Awaken 101.” This course introduced me to environmentalism and the idea of holistic living, including the dangers of our food system.  In an effort to take action, I vowed to cut high fructose corn syrup out of my life, which essentially meant no more processed and packaged foods for me.

I was also incredibly unhappy with my studies and decided to take a “leave of absence.” Flash forward a few months. I was visiting my favorite aunt in the San Francisco Bay Area and came across http://baumancollege.org/ a Holistic Nutrition and Culinary Arts School. The programs at the school are based on eating whole, local, seasonal and organic foods to replenish your body, mind and soul. I was so excited about the program and enrolled right away. Within a few weeks I was accepted to begin their Nutrition Educator program. I packed my bags and moved to Berkeley, California where the school was located. Over the next few months I learned so much about food and how it influences every aspect of ones health. Suddenly all of my little aches and pains and daily bothers (you know headaches, stomachaches, moodiness, menstrual issues etc) were gone!

I left California in the spring of 2009 and moved back to Pennsylvania. After debating what to do in terms of finishing my Bachelors Degree, I decided to head back to Penn State and give their nutrition program a try. It wasn’t for me so I switched my major (yet again) to Sociology. I was happy with this switch and enjoyed my studies, but had lost myself in the college-lifestyle –too much partying, pulling all-nighters and everything else that one associates with typical college behavior and my health was paying the price. I was not eating healthy, whole foods all the time nor was I doing any exercise.  I was splurging one too many times on chicken-fingers and fries, pizza and all the other wonderfully bad for you foods that we all enjoy so much.

Now I am at the start of my senior year (yippie!) and am carrying what I had previously called my “freshman 10” pounds, yet again. And the little aches and pains and daily bothers are back lurking in my daily life. I asked myself how I let this happen, why I let myself forget about the wonders of food and how good it can actually make you feel! Well the question can be pondered no longer. Action must be taken. I invite you to follow me on my journey back to optimal health! I will be posting tips along the way and encourage you to ask questions about eating well and how you can combat the college lifestyle with me!